Jim Tyer Animation Clips Galore

Heckle and Jeckle cartoon hot dog cart Jim Tyer Jim Tyer cartoon rabbit

Thanks to Thad from http://thad-k.blogspot.com/ for putting together this great compilation reel of the goofy and deranged animation of classic animator Jim Tyer.

Heckle and Jeckle cartoon doorway cute girl Jim Tyer Heckle and Jeckle cartoon bull

Cartoon mouse stuck in a windshield Jim Tyer cartoon cat grabs mouse with metal tongs

These hard-to-find clips are a great slap in the face wakeup call because it's not the same old stuff we've seen for years.

dopey cartoon dog with bear in foreground cartoon wolf gets a whooping in the pants from Mighty Mouse

The production is not as slick as Disney and Warner Bros. cartoon shorts, but the drawings are funny and they move funny, too.
cartoon lion climbing on top of bald guy's head Jim Tyer cartoon joust announcer

Make sure to read this great article by Mark Mayerson about the brilliantly FUNNY animation of Jim Tyer:

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