#9 Picking up the Pace -- Adobe Illustrator Cartoon Inking Video - Freehand Brush Tutorials Continue

Adobe Illustrator tutorial video #9 Picking Up the Pace SpongeBob
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Adobe Illustrator video tutorial #9
Picking Up the Pace / Stroke Palette

We're in the home stretch now, and today's Adobe Illustrator video tutorial really picks up the pace. There's no sense going on and on about things we've already covered, so we're zipping through the final stages of inking on SpongeBob's face.

Remember that you'll need a pressure-sensitive graphics tablet (like a Wacom Bamboo Fun, Intuos or Cintiq tablet) to get these calligraphic brush strokes.

The most important thing to note in this video is the repeated use of the arrange command along with using the graphic styles to create drawing elements that overlap in just the right places. Watch how the cheek and the nose pop forward when they get filled with white...This technique certainly makes you draw through the forms!

Adobe Illustrator tutorial video #9 How to Use the Stroke Palette SpongeBob

There is one new topic that we cover in this one -- how to use the stroke palette to choose the way that the end of a line segment looks. I'll get you right up close and personal to all the tols, brushes and palette options so you can see how you can get the exact effect you're looking for.

Here's the YouTube version in case you have trouble watching the high-resolution video at the top of the post:

In case you missed them,
here are links to the first eight
Adobe Illustrator
Cartoon Inking tutorial videos

Next Video: The excitement continues as I actually finish inking SpongeBob!

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