ArtRage & Illustrator Success Stories #1 - Julián Höek

I got a nice surprise tonight when my Argentinean blog-buddy Julián Fumagalli sent me some jpegs on his experiments with ArtRage and Adobe Illustrator...
Julian inking illustrator
The top image is some Adobe Illustrator inking Julian did from a cartoon drawing, and Julian created the color painting below with ArtRage!
Artrage painting by Julian Hoek
I'm excited beyond belief to see that these video tutorials are helping talented cartoonists like Julian. I've received a bunch of emails from CartoonSnap readers, and I answer 'em all. Some people have asked me to help out when they get stuck, and so far the long-distance tutorial help looks to be working ^_^
If you'd like to share your digital art success stories -- along with your art and links to your site --

just leave a comment with your info, or email me at:
sherm (at)
...and replace the (at) with @.
Previous ArtRage Tutorial Videos:

ArtRage #1 - Intro to ArtRage 2.5
ArtRage #2 - Mixing Colors on the Canvas
ArtRage #3 Painting Reflective Light

ArtRage #4 - More Reflective Light & Colors

ArtRage digital painting-interface
Here's a quick summary
of the other tutorials in this series:
SpongeBob and Patrick Blowing Bubble Gum Nick Magazine Cover art by Sherm Cohen

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