BBC America: A DOCTOR WHO December

BBC America has a Holiday present for us DOCTOR WHO fans.

Looks like all of the DOCTOR WHO specials, the final batch of the Tennant/Russell run, will appear on BBC America next month according to an advertisement I saw. The last 3 lines are:

3 Part Television Event
Coming in December

This would be a first: US audiences seeing DOCTOR WHO so close its UK premiere. I was able to pull up on YouTube all 3 of their commercials.
  • First, a spot for all 3 of the specials;

  • second: a "Waters of Mars" preview for its US premiere Saturday, December 19;

  • third: Russell T. Davies, producer Julie Gardner and David Tennant on the appeal of the series.

This takes some of the sing out the fact that I have to wait a month to watch what Britons are seeing right now.

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