Jeff Keane FAMILY CIRCUS Interview interviews Jeff Keane about THE FAMILY CIRCUS newspaper panel, the future of newspapers, the new FAMILY CIRCUS hardcover book from IDW, and coming up with gags.

"My dad has a whole file of gags and things that he had saved from when we were growing up. I’ve got a whole file that I was doing when my kids were growing up. So I use those and you play off them, see how you can, maybe this character can be saying this or that. The main thing is to maintain the family feel. It’s not necessarily a ‘ha ha,’ joke. My dad always said it’s a tug at the heart or a lump in the throat. Sometimes that’s a more effective cartoon and that I think is the unique quality of Family Circus."

Jeff now draws THE FAMILY CIRCUS panel and he's in his second term as National Cartoonists Society President.

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