Allan Holtz Stripper's Guide: "Obscurities of the Day: Comics of DBR Media"

Allan Holtz who runs the Stripper's Guide blog (a heartfelt lovesong in prose to comic strips) reports on DBR Media, announcing that he is going to "knock off a whole syndicate company in one post today!"
"DBR Media was formed in 2000 by a group of folks who had previously been at the helm of the King Features Weekly Service.

"... Weekly syndicates typically offer a complete package of features, and as far as I know DBR supplied not only comics, but all the rest of the typical goodies -- puzzles and columns to suit a wide range of tastes. As best I can tell, when they started their package included a group of five comics. I say as far as I can tell because I did not find a paper that ran the syndicate's offerings until much later. Which is a bit of a story in itself..."
It was run by Diane Eckert, Brad Elson and Richard Wilson -- whose first names formed the company's initials.

DBR continued to do business through March 2008, when it closed up shop, stating there was no money to pay its contributors.

Allan has a description of all of the comics that were offered by DBR, with samples for most. These include:
  • George by Mark Szorady
  • Stormfield by Wes Alexander
  • The Dinosaur Circus by Elena Steier
  • Hamster Alley by Polly Keener
  • The Leftersons by Collin T. Hayes
  • Jet News by Bill Murray
  • The Golden Years by Bill Murray
  • Night Lights and Pillow Fights / Your Angels Speak by Guy and Brad Gilchrist
  • Marvin the Calf by Ralph Hagen

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