Video: Rob Rogers "No Cartoon Left Behind"

On March 6, 2010, the Carnegie Mellon University's Center for the Arts in Society hosted "How a Cartoonist's Brain Works," a lecture by the award-winning editorial cartoonist for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Rob Rogers.

In this 39 minute video, Rogers, who received his master's degree in fine arts from Carnegie Mellon in 1984 and was a Pulitzer Prize finalist in 1999, discusses his book, "No Cartoon Left Behind: The Best of Rob Rogers," published by Carnegie Mellon University Press.

Despite Rob being in the dark for the first minute of the presentation, this is a talk worth a look. Rob shows a very early cartoon (drawn for his Dad), where he gets ideas, the difference between cartoonists and editors, why he didn't become a successful doctor like his Dad, etc. I was laughing our loud at a lot of his art, drawn specially for this presentation. A funny and insightful lecture by one of the best editorial cartoonists.

Related: "'Those Damn Pictures:' Rob Rogers in Historical Perspective"

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