Steve Mellor

Steve writes:

It is really cool to see all my work on the Spider-Ham backup stories in one place. It makes me wish they'd publish a collection. Interesting also to see the style/technique progression from Goose Rider to Secret Furs. Just when I felt I was getting in a groove, Marvel cancelled the book. You can find puzzle illustrations I did in old Games Magazines and a one shot I did called Rock Lobster in a publication called Pure Entertainment put out by a guy named Pete Friedrich (probably impossible to track down). There is a Spider-Ham article in a recent issue of Back Issue, so between that and this, it is nice to be rediscovered. Thanks for posting my stuff! Steve Mellor

Thank you, Steve, for the wonderful comics. They really create this perfect cartoon world- I wish I could live in them! Very inspirational.

Let Steve know how much you love his comics!


Steve adds:

Thanks for all the nice comments. My career in comic books was pretty brief. I never made a lot of money at it and being self-taught I was frequently frustrated by my own limitations. Being appreciated 25 years later (yikes!) and finding out that my work actually influenced and inspired other cartoonists makes me realize it was all worthwhile. Cartooning at its best can be one of the most personal of art forms. Like most of the things I've done in my Iife, I fell into and out of professional cartooning and maybe one of these days I'll actually get paid to do it again. But if not, it's nice to know I made a small mark in the field. Thanks again and keep on making and enjoying funny little drawings. Steve Mellor

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