Video: Jules Feiffer

Here is Jules Feiffer on April 27, 2010 Leonard Lopate Show on WNYC. You can hear the entire interview here. WNYX has a slideshow of Mr. Feiffer's work.

Award-winning cartoonist, playwright, and author Jules Feiffer, talks about his life and his rise from a fearful kid with learning problems and a controlling mother, to working under the legendary Will Eisner and creating his subversive graphic novella Munro. His memoir is Backing into Forward.

He also talks about the beginning of his career, getting into The Village Voice in 1955, the influence of Steig, Terry Southern, Mort Sahl, Joseph Heller and Lenny Bruce; as well as other comic strip parodies (LI'L ABNER, POGO and BARNABY), writing his strip for the Voice, and his pursuit of fame.

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