Here’s a storyboard sequence I drew
for the “Apprentice” episode from
the first season of The Mighty B!
for the “Apprentice” episode from
the first season of The Mighty B!
Here’s that groovy slideshow player, but…
…This dinky player isn’t big enough to see the storyboards clearly. If you click on the button in the lower right hand corner of the slideshow, it will open up a full-screen window that displays the pages nice and BIG!
(note the Play/Pause button and directional arrows at the bottom of the player…those’ll help you go thru them at your own pace)
The full-sized pages are also linked below if you want to peruse them at your leisure ^_^
In this episode, Mary-Frances (Portia’s mom) is under pressure to sell tons of her “Mary Kay” type of cosmetics. She decides to put her daughter’s scout troop to work for her so she can make her sales quota. Bessie is so into it that Mary-Frances decides to take her on as an Apprentice!
Over the course of this week I’ll be using this storyboard sequence to talk about some of the key concepts about solid storyboarding.
Since I’m not starting the“commentary” on these storyboards until next time, please post any questions you may have in the comments below -- any question on the topic of storyboarding is welcome...that will help me make the rest of this week’s posts as informative as possible.
Update! More posts in this Storyboarding Commentary series:
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