MadBadnInky. Tim Leatherbarrow.

© Tim Leatherbarrow

Here's this weeks cartoony blog of goodness. It's from Tim Leatherbarrows, and is a cartoon blog, but also a cartoon blog with lots of wordy bits. Like:

"Remember, "Careless talk costs lives". I, for one am going to be watching what i'm saying the next time the neighbours have a cocktail party."

And such gems as:

"If anyone out there is flying over the Atlantic just keep a look out for a lean tall guy with an art portfolio in a dinghy"

But it also has some rather splendid cartoons, which seem to be mostly caricatures on topical news items.

The blog is updated regularly, with quick and topical cartoons. Visit it now. BadMadnInky

© Tim Leatherbarrow
© Tim Leatherbarrow

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