Ghettomation Guru Jim Lujan

Heroes don't take vacations. Crime does not nap.
Apparently, neither does indy animator Jim Lujan!

Jim Lujan is making some of the best indy animation around; he calls it Ghettomation. No fancy stuff. Just good stories, compelling characters and awesome funked-out art.

Here's my very favorite Lujanimation: FreakDaddy!

I've been meaning to post his stuff for a long time, but I can find the words to explain how much his cartoons rock my world. So check it out for yerself right here, on Jim's YouTube channel:

He's even got a couple of DVD's out ...

Jim Lujan is a one-man animation studio -- he writes, draws, animates, does all voices and music too! And he just keeps going and going. Jim's been making cartoons for years...sometimes there's a new one every six weeks or so!

See how happy they make me?
As you can see in this cartoon, Hittin' Switchez," Jim has a marvelous way of capturing the bleak suburban strip-mall culture of southern California. A totally unique take on the weirdness of the real world...

His DIY "get-it-done-and-move-on-to-the-next-cartoon" ethos has inspired me greatly. And he's a swell dude, too. Get a glimpse at his creative process in these cool interviews: Jim and I even did a podcast together: Sherm's Ghettomation episode!

Check out all of Jim Lujan's  Ghettomation goodness at:

Tell him Freakdaddy sent you.

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